Women’s liberation in spiritualism
The transformation that the Dindori Pranit Seva Marg has brought to the lives of millions of women, was not possible by means of amending laws but required a social movement. His Holiness Guru Mauli has taught women the art of leading a life full of happiness and peace. For centuries together, Women did not have a significant space in spiritualism. Saint Meera Bai was one of the pioneer sages in ancient times. Her teachings and devotional compositions have influenced many generations, in Rajasthan and in the entire nation. However, it is a historical fact that she could not be accepted by the main masses, in India. His Holiness Guru Mauli has brought a vital change in this mentality of our society. Freedom, equality, justice, and affection form the very foundation of the Dindori Pranit Seva Marg. Men and women are treated as equals and are considered to have equal rights in the Seva Marg. Recitation of scriptures, chanting mantras, and all spiritual rituals have been made available and are open for women to practice in the Seva Marg.
The Seva Marg has banned all customs by the means of which women were deprived of this treasure of spiritual knowledge and bliss. Women are free to participate even in rituals like ‘Yagya’ where only men were allowed to participate for ages. Women are allowed and encouraged to study ancient scriptures just like Maata Maitreyi and Maata Gargeyi of ancient times. All necessary facilities are made available for women who are aspiring to explore the quest of infinite knowledge. They have been given complete freedom to choose their ways to give the service. They organize spiritual conferences and events. They have their own identity and have the ability to think independently. They play the role of a leader in the local centers of the Seva Marg. They arrange festivals and gatherings for women. They are authorized to study all holy scriptures. Even lesser educated women from rural areas, read difficult Sanskrit scriptures with ease, in the Dindori Pranit Seva Marg. Women’s self-esteem and self belief are empowered naturally in the Seva Marg. They experience a new level of self-confidence. No differential treatments are given for women and men in the Seva Marg. His Holiness Guru Mauli has cultivated the environment in Seva Marg in such a way that women A Divine Experience of Shree Swami Charitra 10 July- September 2019. Shree Swami Samarth Seva can develop their inner strength and apply them. Traditional boundaries and limitations that were defined for women in spiritual paths have been erased in this Seva Marg. His Holiness Guru Mauli has been bringing a change in the conservative mindset of the society by creating a sociocultural reality based on the development. The Seva Marg is providing new horizons to fly with new hope and aspirations, to women who have been oppressed for hundreds of years. Their personalities are groomed by awakening self-awareness in them. Liberation or freedom cannot be achieved by external means. The structural change in the society and in the very fiber of an ecosystem is needed for it. Liberation is not just an external tag but is like an attainment apprehenced while breathing freely in the open air with a new level of confidence. It is a feeling of self-reliance. It blooms like a flower, shines like a steady flame, and shows rays of hope like a lamp lit in a temple. It spreads fragrance in the surrounding. It is a feeling of being human. The Seva Marg has provided a new definition of Women’s liberation.
In recent times, our social system has started providing several opportunities for women to study and become selfdependent but the mindset of society has not changed much. Because of this conservative mentality, there is always a constant need for new laws for respecting women’s security and equality. Also, freedom is misinterpreted as irresponsible and unanswerable behavior. This misinterpretation has created many social issues. A so-called wave of globalization has added fuel to the fire. Social media has taken the exploitation of women to a new low. It is an imminent issue in society and solutions have to be discovered. Creating an exploitation-free environment where a common woman has an independent identity and respect is indeed a revolutionary movement. Dindori Pranit Seva Marg has been tirelessly contributing towards the same, under the supreme guidance and motivation of His Holiness Guru Mauli.