Honorable Chandrakant Dada is eldest son of His Holiness Gurumauli. He is head of Administration division, Shree Niwas pharmaceuticals, Shree Moredada Ayurvedic hospital and in-charge of Sevamarg and its centers.
Under guidance of Honorable Chandrakant Dada, Sevamarg has built spiritual abodes (Shree Datta Dham) at Akkalkot, Nrushihwadi, Gangapur and Pithapur. With his extraordinary administrative work, Sevamarg had conducted hundreds of mega programs, Gram Abhiyan (Village Empowerment Programs) across the India with millions of people graced with divine experiences which includes places like Turupati (Andra Pradesh), Pushkar (Rajastan), Sannati (Karnataka), Rameshwaram(TN), Kashi (UP) and many more.
Under the leadership of Honorable Chandrakant Dada, all Sevamarg centers (5000+) are efficiently carrying out Sevamarg’s social activities like Gram Abhiyan for betterment of humanity.
Honorable Chandrakant Dada has started unique scheme, JAN KALYAN YOJANA for common people to contribute for Shree Moredada Charitable Hospital and get benefitted for lifetime to live healthy and happy life.
Recently, Hon. Chandrakant dada has started work of Matru-Kund for higher spiritual experiences for devotees.
Various organizations have recognized contribution of Hon. Chandrakant dada in social field for changing lives of millions and honored with ‘Shanti Doot Award’